Tumblr nyc gay sex parties

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I know what you’re thinking: Trust fund babies. Must be nice to NOT work, you spoiled little BRATS. Oh, honey, I wish ! While I think we’d make excellent full-time party girls with plush bank accounts, we’re all workin’ girls. Workin’ girls who collectively committed to slurping down a tremendous amount of water and consuming a tremendous amount of bagels to soak up our (harrowing) hangovers before work the following morning.

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We practically had two years of beauty rest under our belts! All those Friday nights napping on the couch made up for a lifetime of post-party fatigue. While the unofficial lesbian party tour bore four unique stops, they shared one common theme: Connection. Pre-pandemic parties were packed with girls staring, dead-eyed into their phones, mindlessly scrolling, swiping, stalking their exes, their exes exes, their exes exes’ new love interests. But I noticed something beautiful this week in my hard-partying tenure: People are talking to each other again. Maybe this long stretch of forced isolation has made us realize how empty the digital life actually is ? Maybe we’re all just tired of texting and ready to flirt in the heat of the moment? Maybe we’re sick of swiping and ready to feel the exciting sparks of in-person chemistry again? What do I know? I went to makeup school. All I know is that I’m loving how present everyone is, so, so much.

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